it could be the recent spate of advertising for glowing white armpits, or the last hour i spent googling rhinoplasty procedures, or the fact that i haven’t had sex for…oh, lets just say i can officially declare myself a virgin again, but i’ve had this feeling creeping up on me for awhile now. this feeling that i can be perfected. subject to fine print and certain inescapable realities of life, of course (like the fact that i haven’t managed to grow a pair of boobs in 32 years, which effectively nixes my chances of morphing into barbie). after contemplating for a long, long time on the possibility of perfection that the cosmesuitical industry argues for so persistently when i turn on the tv (oh come on, you should take a break from the worldcup too), after fantasizing for ages about what it would be like to be sweat-less, odor-less, hairless, blemish-less, zit-less, t-zone-less, stretchmark-less, snout-less, cellulite-less, wrinkle-less, i have reached the conclusion that there is only one perfect material in the world and we are not made of it. plastic. plastic is perfect, whereas people are porous. so i’m seriously thinking of getting myself redone in it. with pearly whites and baby blues and perpetually arched eyebrows and a super slick hairdo and permanently flexed pecs and perennially taut glutes and an urbane plastic bump where my genitalia used to be. you can help me decide one last thing - should i go blonde, or brunette?
End Times
Peter Turchin If you’ve read Asimov’s Foundation series, you’d know
psychohistory – the ‘science’ that predicts the future of humanity at
large. Peter Turc...
Jerk Chicken Quesadillas
These jerk chicken quesadillas with pineapple salsa are ready in just 30
minutes and guaranteed to become a weeknight favorite!
The post Jerk Chicken Que...
Beauty lies in the eyes of the diner.
Kaker deem, boker deem…
My first brush with food plating/ presentation was when mom would make rice
balls and name them after eggs of various birds....
life is twisted. Just when you think you have over come everything, buried
your childhood trauma. It finds ways. Dressed up , cloaked well it sends it
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
She wants her planet back. Woolfy – “Shooting Stars” Funny how his voice in
this song made me think he was singing ratchet instead of rapture. I heard
ROOM - the movie —- An experience I want to share
One of the most impressive and impactful movies I have watched ever. And
that done in the subtlest way possible!
To handle a subject such as captivity, r...
He lingered on my lips
For about an hour or more
Yes his kisses leave me tingly
Or perhaps it was the nicotine
his cigarette left smeared
to which I am all...
It's time
Time was bored.
He took a lap around Afghanistan, popped over into Bhutan, peeped into
China, decided he didn’t like what was going on there, and now was h...
The Girl from Cheranmadevi
What is literacy, really? The government of India theoretically defines it
as the ability to read and write with understanding. Read and write, one
can sti...
A capacity for joy
What does it mean to have a capacity for joy? I'm sure the actual
experience of joy, or rather the granular details of that which delivers
joy varies acros...
Agentgreenglass grew up. And grew a lump.
This blog started because I was going through a phase of not knowing what I
wanted to do with my life.
And somewhere, along the way, as the blog g...
For me the start of 2016 was like setting off on a great big ship to go on
the cruise of my dreams to exotic destinations while having the time of my
God bless the child.
Long line at security. End of the day. End of the year. People rushing to
catch a flight to be home Christmas Eve.late and in a hurry. One little
girl. A c...
This body. This body tells a story; it has its own narrative, distinct from
the chaotic thoughts in my head. It finds its own way, journeys separate to
Ramdev Baba and the marinaded mutton chops
Last evening, Sheela decided to try a new recipe - marinaded mutton chops.
For all its innocuous sounding name, it needed many ingredients, among them
The Model Student
Teen Blunt was in Class 10. For the uniformed, the Class 10 exams are a
major milestone in the Indian student life. One is expected to score good
marks th...
Its been 2 years
I used to write here, with a mandatory year end post. They serve you well,
when you read them years later, chuckling at some thoughts, at some choice
of w...
Book Recommendation: Heaven's Forgotten
I promise I will get back to the funny punctuation pics soon, but I wanted
to congratulate my friend Branden Johnson on the publication of his first
It's still me...I hope...
And it rains
And it gladdens my senses
It reminds me of that young boy
Who sought it's full onslaught
Determined to brave it
Exploring it's violence
Why kids under 10 should come with a mute button
So minicyn is a not so mini and a very garrulous 4 yo right now. Thus, we
have some scintillating sessions such as this one a few months ago.
Fancy frenc...
Yes. It has been a long time. I think it's time to let off some mental
steam. It's time to regroup with my various passing thoughts. I think I
need y...
3rd Times the Charm?
It was on a cold and rainy night that the former lovers met. He begged her
to come back to him. Leave your husband he argued with her over dinner -
this t...
Plan B
Sand on the freckle near her navel glistened under the afternoon sun. With
only a scanty panty and, a straw hat to cover her bosom, she lay bare with
On trend: Open shelving in kitchens
Having moved recently into an 1970s bungalow first floor rental, I was
faced with a peculiar problem. A massive (by apartment standards) square
shaped kitc...
No, I can't say No
No…is the most difficult word in the dictionary for me.
Happy voice: ‘Wow, it’s been ages since we met! I’m dropping in to
Bangalore. Will you pick me u...
End of the line
From blogging as 'Hakuna Matata' to being renamed as 'Jil Jil Ramamani',
this blog has seen it all. My writings from school through university,
Be Amused
Attitude as big as the...bus.
Cynic me
So,this kid here was totally disinclined to a conversation I was trying to
start about what exactly he intended...
Five Years: an announcement
Hello, everyone. (Anyone?) It has now been just over five years since our first
post—written on December 20, 2006—and since then we've logged and
Living with the Frenchman has been a wonderful experience so far. And just
like I dreaded, it has changed our relationship radically. But I’ve
No manjhe naahi
Time: 11:30 pm
Location: Comm. Street signal (seems to be a jinxfully eventful place for
I'm on my bike w/family. Cops doing their drunken-driving-che...
Because every picture has a story to tell
Post updated on 12th September 2015 If you have come here looking for my
photography page, here it is: Mostly Pointless Photography For occasional
A parting look back, A hopeful peek ahead...
What do I say about the year that has been... I began the year, just like
any other, with a precise list of goals (posted here). While I hit all of
those t...
Voices and slingshots
sheets of gold drape fleeting time into their fold; eternity teases urgent
scurrying life. its fleeting flight forever one glance ahead; forever one
step e...
vhai i am blackhole?
dear humpy,
you may know thait i has receeud and more so phrom yuour husband sitty
upbreenging. but ectually you is naat to bilame. phkucking masakgunj an...
Things That Caught My Eye In 2009
Jason Crombie Interviews
Credit to Crombie for elevating a boring magazine cliche into an art form.
Fred Butler Fashion Accessories
Luke Sullivan's ta...
The ghosts of Manali-Leh
A few days back, I called my cycling partners Ranjan and Mohit to the
Barista below my office for an emergency meeting, and told them that I
intend to drop...
apple no cool ma!
how can anything owned by more than two people be cool? (credit to grr)
is this the "masstige" version of cool??
and what intuition??? anything that i cann...
DO NOT tell me i have fat legs, fathead.
you have no idea how unsexy that makes you look.
and no, saying ‘baby, there’s more of you to love’ is not going to make
things better.
THE most wonderous invention never made
we’ve been thinking about this for a long time at the headless kitchen, but
ever since we’ve put a ban on tobacco it’s become something of an
obsession: ...
thirty, female, single, living in mumbai. i drink copious cups of filter coffee, collect the mandatory festival packs of chocolate, negotiate with the cats for a corner of the couch by the window and squash in between a pile of books, my lap top and a bowl of pop corn. then i have a long think about life. i get paid to do this. my remaining time i spend acquiring the life experience necessary to mastermind my mid life crisis. this i do not get paid to do, and can therefore do absolute justice to.