Monday, May 10, 2010

if patience is a virtue, she's a slut

you mean now...?
yes, now, today, why not?
but i...i’m not ready yet.
you are being really silly, you know.
i am just not ready, dammit!
when pray, will you be ready, mr.husband?
listen, i am not your husband yet.
you’re right, you aren’t…
what are you smiling at?
that guy in red.
you tell me, sweetheart, you tell me.


Blunt Edges said...

hehe...loved the title :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaa...So true..If patience had been a virtue...She would definitely be the slut...Hmmm...I could use this on some.....*Evil Grin* :D

moonlite:D said...

lol :)
nice!!! esp the title !!

agent green glass said...

wonderful this is why i miss you miss mentalie! apart, from the fact that bandra has become so dull since you've gone.

xcalibr said...

Ahh - commitment phobia! Is there a cure for it?
Nice title btw..

mentalie said...

@blunt, thank you. popped into my head at the end of an episode of 'gilmore girls', heh.

@choco, please go ahead and print them t-shirts ;)

@moonlite, thank you, and thank you for coming by too!

@agg, you just made my day :D and its not because you miss me, because i definitely miss you and bandra more. i watch gilmore girls. eyugggh.

@xcalibr, no, not commitment phobia...this one is a whole different kind of phobia ;)

Jandy said...

like my first cup of coffee - hits hard, gone too fast.

AM said...

I know this i totally of tangent.
Found this and had to, had to share it with you. You'll love it and how

mentalie said...

@jandy, is that a good thing, or not...?

@product junkie, NOW i know who you are. i think ;p yes, i know chutneycase well. she's hilarious!

R said...

The smartest thing one could finish with.

This reminds me of something supremely important. It was a song. Vedder sang it. Can't put my finger on it. Aargh.

I love this piece.

ani_aset said...

ahan something different :) and as usual super. You scare me :D

last word by the acp